Is Fenbendazole For Humans Cancer Safe?

A recent incident in which a cancer patient claimed that the anti-parasitic drug fenbendazole cured his lung cancer became national news. It raised questions about whether patients get false information.

In the present study, we investigated how cancer patients acquire fenbendazole information and its quality. We also analyzed their attitude and perception toward this information.
Mechanism of action

Fenbendazole is a broad-spectrum benzimidazole anthelmintic used to treat gastrointestinal parasites such as giardia and whipworms. It also targets tapeworms in the genus Taenia (but not Dipylidium caninum, a common dog tapeworm) and pinworms. It is available as granules or a liquid suspension and is given by mouth.

It inhibits the formation of microtubules, which are a protein scaffolding in cells. This disrupts the balance between the cytoskeleton and other cell structures, such as the membrane and organelles. It also inhibits the growth of helminthes by binding to tubulin and interrupting its polymerization.

However, there is insufficient evidence to show that fenbendazole cures cancer. It doesn’t stop cancerous cells from growing, and it does not increase the effectiveness of radiation or chemotherapy. Moreover, Tippens’ anecdotal account of his remission doesn’t include other conventional cancer treatments he received, so it’s impossible to attribute his remission to fenbendazole alone. Further research in this area is needed. This includes randomized controlled trials with larger groups of patients.

The drug fenbendazole (methyl N-(6-phenylsulfanyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl) carbamate), known for its broad antiparasitic activity, interferes with the formation of microtubules by binding to b-tubulin and disrupting their polymerization. As a result, cell structures that rely on these proteins for their stability or function are affected, such as the mitotic spindle that ensures that chromosomes are separated evenly during cell division.

Although fenbendazole has been shown to slow tumor growth in cell cultures and animals, it hasn’t been tested in people with cancer, so it can’t be considered a safe or effective treatment. Moreover, Tippens’ anecdotal experience may be a statistical outlier, so other factors could be accounting for his remission that aren’t being accounted for in the study. Lastly, if a person does decide to try fenbendazole as a cancer treatment, the doses used for parasites or worms are much higher than those recommended for use in humans with cancer. This can lead to toxic side effects such as liver damage.

Some cancer patients have reported success using fenbendazole, an anti-helminthic drug often used as a dog dewormer. However, the anecdotal claims have not been confirmed by scientists. Moreover, the drug has not undergone clinical trials to determine its safety and efficacy in people with cancer.

The researchers investigated the effect of fenbendazole on EMT6 cells in vitro by performing a colony formation assay to measure cell viability. They found that fenbendazole significantly reduced the clonogenicity of these cells. However, this effect was only observed at high concentrations of the drug and with long incubation periods.

These results suggest that fenbendazole can be used in combination with other anti-cancer drugs to improve their efficacy. This combination is also likely to be safe for patients, as fenbendazole does not affect the normal cellular processes of the liver. In addition, fenbendazole can reduce the absorption of glucose in cancer cells, which is important for their survival. This effect can be enhanced by the use of berberine, another compound that limits the ability of cancer cells to take up glucose and inhibits tumor growth.

Fenbendazole is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug that is used to treat a number of parasitic worms in animals. It is available in the form of oral granules and liquid suspension, and is given orally seven days a week. The medication is safe to use, but you should always check with your doctor before starting treatment.

The false information that fenbendazole cures cancer is spreading on social media, mostly on TikTok and Facebook. It is based on the anecdotal account of Joe Tippens, an American cancer patient who claims that his lung cancer went into remission after taking fenbendazole.

However, there is no scientific evidence that fenbendazole can cure cancer. In fact, fenbendazole can cause severe liver damage if taken in large doses. Health Canada lists fenbendazole as an anthelmintic, and it is recommended that patients only use this medication under a doctor’s supervision. Researchers have found that anthelmintics can inhibit cell division and kill cancer cells. They also have the potential to be repurposed as anticancer drugs.fenbendazole for humans cancer

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