Personal Training As a Career

Personal training is a career choice for individuals who are passionate about physical fitness and enjoy working with people. There are a variety of programs that lead to a personal trainer certification, including two-year associate degree programs.

A typical personal training session lasts about an hour. A trainer will spend the first part of the session taking measurements, assessing the client’s current exercise level and discussing goals.

Education and Certification

Personal trainers specialize in building and executing workout programs that improve strength, flexibility, and wellness. They are generally certified by fitness industry organizations like the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the American Council on Exercise.

During an initial session, a personal trainer may take body measurements and discuss a client’s health history and goals. They can also show clients how to use exercise equipment safely and recommend ways to improve form during exercises.

The career requires strong interpersonal skills as well as a love of working with people. Many pursue additional qualifications, such as business training and certification in CPR and automated external defibrillators. Many personal trainers seek to own their own businesses, which can help boost income and stability.

Fitness coaches and personal trainers share some similar qualifications, such as an associate or bachelor’s degree in exercise science or physical education. However, the careers differ significantly in terms of their scope, responsibilities, and educational requirements.

Work Environment

Personal trainers work in a variety of environments, including gyms, private studios, clients’ homes, community centers and even cruise ships and holiday resorts. Many of these professionals are self-employed, so they must be flexible in scheduling to meet the needs of their clientele. Early mornings tend to be the most popular times at fitness facilities and with committed clients, so it’s important that personal trainers are available during these hours.

Most personal training courses include access to online course materials, although some schools offer a hands-on portion of the program where students practice weight-lifting and other skills that require physical activity. In addition, many programs incorporate internship options as part of the course that allow candidates to gain valuable experience in the field. First aid and CPR certification are also a necessary part of the qualification process, which can usually be obtained through the same training course that is required to become certified as a personal trainer.

Work Hours

Personal training is not a 9-5 job, and it may be necessary to work early mornings, evenings or weekends. This depends on the client’s needs, whether you work in their home or a gym, and what type of groups you offer – group sessions are generally more lucrative than one-on-one training but require a lot more organisation.

Generally, trainers start their day with 4-6 sessions in the morning before having a break around lunchtime and then seeing clients in the evenings. In addition to client sessions, trainers will need to spend time on business-related tasks such as scheduling, recording and analysing client progress, sales and marketing.

It’s also important for PTs to dedicate some of their time to continuing education and up-skilling so that they can provide the best possible service to their clients. This can include attending workshops, reading fitness literature and learning new exercises and techniques. Keeping up with these skills will help trainers to stay ahead of the competition.


A trainer’s salary depends on their education and certifications, years of experience, and location. The hourly rate can also vary by whether they work for a gym or operate as a freelance trainer.

A respectable private personal trainer may make in the low $70,000 range. Trainers that are employed by a commercial gym may earn less as they typically do not get to keep all of their earnings.

In addition to a standard training fee, some personal trainers offer group sessions and training packages. These are often beneficial for people looking to save money or who prefer working with a smaller group.

Some personal trainers are also offering virtual services, allowing their clients to workout in the comfort of their homes or local gyms via video chat. This can be a great option for people who struggle to motivate themselves to exercise alone and need the extra accountability that a trainer can provide. Some virtual trainers also specialize in nutrition and lifestyle coaching to help their clients meet their goals.Personlig träning

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